
Start the journey of a spiritual retreat and achieve fulfillment in life!


Today, the life that we are living has become fast-paced and stressful. We are on the move, round the clock, trying to catch up with the fast-moving world. In this, we barely find time for ourselves. This lifestyle has become one of the largest contributors to the rising medical conditions happening to us at a young age. The combination of this never-ending stress and growing health issues has not only impacted our life expectancy rate but also taken away from us mental peace, happiness, and the feeling of fulfillment. The more we encourage and accept this practical lifestyle, the more we discourage a life lived in spiritual bliss... To rediscover peace and reunite with our spiritual conscience, we designed a special program – Brahmonpasana – that uses the age-old methods of yoga and meditation for physical and mental exercises. With this we not only aim to attain mental peace but solve various physical issues arising due to this modern lifestyle.

This program has been thoughtfully developed by Param Pujjya Sadhguru, Shri S. G. Deshpande (Nana). He used his years of experience in spiritual training (Sadhana) to discover a solution for mental and physical health related issues. Under Brahmonpasana, a person is encouraged to practice various methods of meditation like deep breathing, long Omkaras, Pranayam, Shatchakra Darshan, etc. However, performing these exercises alone is not enough, as per P. P Nana. Factors like our state of mind, effect of external forces, and our mental and physical health also contribute in our journey of attaining peace. Practicing Brahmonpasana regularly has proven helpful to thousands of people, aging 12 and above, in reconnecting with their spiritual conscience. It has brought into their lives a sense of freedom, peace, and tranquility. It helped them regain clarity and increase their concentration power. With respect to older men and women, it has helped them cure mild and severe ailments like blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, and asthma. We have certified results in curing patients without side effects and helping them lead a longer, healthier, and happier life.

What are the various practices of Brahmonpasana?

  • For over a long period of time, we at Sundar Sanskar and Swadhyay Mandal have been teaching the practice of Brahmonpasana to people in and around Pune city. Through the classes we conduct, we enlighten people about the concept of spirituality and teach them meditation through the concept of ‘Panchkosh’. Panchkosh is a Sanskrit term which refers to the five different layers of awareness in Yoga philosophy through which our experiences are filtered. These concepts are discussed and taught in detail during the course.
  • Siddhi Aasanas and special Pranayamas like Pran Shuddhi (Purification), Maan Shuddhi (Mind Purification), and Atmik Shuddhi (Soul Purification) are also taught in the program.
  • Students gain in-depth knowledge of Kundalini Shakti and the relation of Shatchakra and human body parts.
  • Different meditative methods are taught to help students achieve complete mind control and concentration.
  • This practice is taught in 4 stages – Patanjali Yog, Mantra Shastra (Science of Mantras), Jap Shastra (Science of Chanting), and Spanda Shastra (Science of Cosmic Vibrations).

What are the benefits of practicing Brahmonpasana?

Physical Benefits: With regular practice, you can cure mild to severe diseases like acidity, asthma, thyroid, blood pressure, diabetes, and arthritis.

Mental Benefits: You can develop mental peace, tranquility, happiness, enthusiasm, and a positive attitude by practicing it regularly.

Intellectual Benefits: You can increase your concentration power, memory control, grasping power, level of understanding, retention, and imagination through this program.

Spiritual Benefits: This program also helps in developing spiritual connection and attaining spiritual powers.

Brahmonpasana can be practiced by men and women of age 12 and above. Today, we have successfully helped in reintroducing clarity in the young minds. We could help hundreds of children in becoming calmer, mindful and increase concentration. We also have derived certified results in curing patients without any side effects. Through this program, they are now leading a longer, healthier, and happier life.