Avalokan Publication

1. Shreemad Bhagvad Gita: Art of Living (Jeevan Jagnyachi Kala)

The book explains how one can develop in different aspects of life as per the teachings of Bhagvad Gita. It also talks about personal growth, management and psychological skills, and simplified ways to lead a fulfilling life. The secrets of succeeding at the worldly affairs and essence of spirituality are also covered in the book. The book also enlightens readers about the beautiful literature of Bhagvad Gita.

Price: INR 70/-

2. Upanishade Vaishvik Kalyanache Pasaydan:

In this book, the philosophies of our ancient literature – Upanishads – are presented in the form of stories. Teaching and learning techniques (Adyayan, Adhyapan Vidya, Brahmavidya, and different ways of worshipping and expressing devotion are some concepts explained in the book. Other topics like health, eternal life, mind, moral science, yogic science, and various philosophies of life are also covered in the book. The book reflects on the teachings of Upanishads by Adi Shankaracharya, Swami Gaudapadacharya, and Sant Gulabrao Ji Maharaj. For the very first time, through this book, Sanskrit Upanishads are translated and explained in Marathi language. 

Editors: Dr. Ravindra Mule, Dr. Varsha Deokar, and Dr. Rajiv Shelar
Price: INR 70/-

3. Brahmasutra: Aacharyanchi Jivan Bhashye

Brahmasutra is one of the creations in Prasthanatrayi – a collection of Upanishads, Vedanta Sutra, and Bhagvad Gita. In Brahmasutra, Maha Rishi Vyas has described the teachings of Upanishads in the form of Sutras (Formulas). It is a very complicated concept and these complexities of Brahmasutra are simplified in this book. Virtuous thoughts, sociality, and philosophies of life explained by Acharyas like Adi Shankaracharya, Ramanuj Acharya, Madhav Acharya, and Shri Nimbakacharya, among others are explained in Brahmasutra.

Editors: Dr. Ravindra Mule, Dr. Kanchan Mande, and Dr. Varsha Deokar
Price: INR 150/-

4. Rig Veda Darshan

For the very first time articles on Rig Veda are getting published in any magazine. Veda literature is being forgotten with time. In this special edition various articles on Rig Veda by prominent literarians (based on their study) are showcased to explain their perspectives on human life. The book introduces Rig Veda, its time period, the social, political, and economical conditions in that period, and the concepts of healthcare, education, and culture around that time. The book also discusses Suktas like Nadi Sukta, Usha Sukta, Dnyan Sukta, and Kutamak Sukta from Rig Vedas. Until today, these Vedas have been preserved through Moukhik traditions (mouth publicity tradition). But now, an introduction of these literatures through western researchers also seems important. 

Editors: Dr. Ravindra Mule and Dr. Varsha Deokar
Price: INR 150/-

5. Yajur Veda Darshan

Yajur Veda is based on the concept of Yadnya Pradhan. During the Vedic period, various types of Veda Bhags were performed by people. This developed the culture of Yadnya, making it an important process of any worship ritual. In this book, the processes associated with Yadnya, the thought behind it, and the adaptations of this concept are simplified and explained in Marathi language. The book also talks about different aspects of Yajur Veda.

Editors: Dr. Varsha Deokar, Dr. Ravindra Mule, and Mrs. Aparna Sathe
Price: INR 150/-

6.Samaveda Darshan

In this special edition, relationship between Samaveda and music, sam and yadnya, and ayurveda are explained. It also talks about the concept of health in Samaveda, the various branches of Samaveda, and its teachings in a simple and easy-to-understand manner.  

Editors: Dr. Varsha Deokar, Mrs. Aparna Sathe, and Dr. Ravindra Mule
Price: INR 150/-

7. Atharva Veda Darshan

Atharva Veda explains the development of and deep contemplation of life. It helps us understand the Indian society from a different perspective. Atharva Veda also discusses human behavior and the basic concepts of life. It helps to develop feelings of equality and mutual friendship in the society. This book gives an overall insight of such important notions covered in the Atharva Veda.

Price: INR 180/-

8. Patanjali Yog Darshan

 This magazine was published in April 2016. In this, the concept of internal and external, pure and enriched personality is explained through Patanjali Yoga Sutra. In this special edition, the writers have explained how by practicing yoga, an individual can start an internal journey and attain the Kaivalya State. The tradition of yoga has been of great prominence since the Vedic period. Patanjali yoga is special and has some unique aspects which are explained in this edition. 

Translation: Dr. Anshumati Dunakhe
Language: Marathi
Price: INR 150/-

9. Srimad Ramayana: The Cultural History

This special edition was published in March 2017. Although it is a biography of Shri Ram, it covers all the cultural history as well. It talks about the personality of Shri Ram, his virtues, efficiencies, social connect, and good deeds.

Price: INR 150/-

10. Mahabharata: History of Rich Tradition

This special edition was published in March 2018. The original concepts of Mahabharata are explained in this edition. Monarchy, religious thoughts, politics, feminist perspectives, policy of Vidur, and historical and cultural importance of Mahabharata are also discussed in this edition. 

Price: INR 250/-

11. Srimad Bhagvad: Origin of Devotional Yog Shastra

This edition was published in April 2019. In this, Shri Bhagvad Puran, a short introduction of all the concepts of Bhagvad, Parabhakti, Vedant Vichar, Vidnyan Darshan, Kapil Gita, Yadu Avdhut Sanvad, Bhikshu Gita, etc are offered. The book also explains the philosophies of Yog Shastra. Overall, it covers all the concepts of Bhagvad in an easy-to-understand language.

Price: INR 250/-

12. Chidanandacha Theva Sadguru Maza: Avalokan Visheshak

The renowned and prominent personality of Maharashtra and the founder of Sundar Sanskar and Swadhyay Mandal – Param Pujjya Dr. S. G. Deshpande belonged to Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s Gaudi Sampraday. In this edition, the writers talk about the great Dr. S. G. Deshpande, his personal life and social work. It puts light on the various activities he performed for the social welfare, which later earned him a remarkable rank in the society. It covers all the inspiring stories of his life, and of the lives of people he shaped.

Price: INR 250/- (152 Pages)