Contribute & Donate

Donate Today for a Brighter Tomorrow!

Donate Today for a Brighter Tomorrow!

Sundar Sanskar and Swadhyay Mandal is dedicated to enriching lives through education, culture, and community development. We invite you to join us in making a difference by contributing to our various social causes.

Empower Education

Help establish libraries in local schools and provide access to knowledge for young minds.

Preserve Heritage

Support the preservation of ancient manuscripts and rare cultural literature.

Empower Youth

Contribute to educational programs that nurture the potential of our youth.

Uplift Communities

Aid in our initiatives to uplift and support underprivileged communities.

Digitize Knowledge

Ensure that valuable resources are digitized and preserved for future generations.

Taking action

No donation is too small, and every contribution counts. Your generosity will enable us to continue our mission and create a better future for all.

You can donate on

Account Name

Sundar Sanskar Va Swadhyay Mandal

Account number




Bank Name

Bank Of Maharashtra, Mayur Colony, Pune