Today, the life that we are living has become fast-paced and stressful. We are on the move, round the clock, trying to catch up with the fast-moving world. In this, we barely find time for ourselves. This lifestyle has become one of the largest contributors to the rising medical conditions happening to us at a young age. The combination of this never-ending stress and growing health issues has not only impacted our life expectancy rate but also taken away from us mental peace, happiness, and the feeling of fulfillment. The more we encourage and accept this practical lifestyle, the more we discourage a life lived in spiritual bliss... To rediscover peace and reunite with our spiritual conscience, we designed a special program – Brahmonpasana – that uses the age-old methods of yoga and meditation for physical and mental exercises. With this we not only aim to attain mental peace but solve various physical issues arising due to this modern lifestyle.